What Is a Lunar Client Partner?
Have you ever wondered how to get a custom cloak on Lunar Client or how to have your Minecraft server featured on the Lunar Client launcher? With a Lunar Client partnership, you can have all of this and more! A Lunar Client partner is a player, Minecraft server, or brand that gets special Lunar Client perks in return for promoting Lunar Client. If you are interested in becoming a Lunar Client partner or are just curious about how Lunar Client partnerships work, be sure to continue reading to find out!

Why Should You Apply for a Partnership?
Lunar Client is one of the largest and most reputable Minecraft Clients, and many well known YouTubers, Twitch streamers, Minecraft servers, and brands (Twitch and BisectHosting for example) are currently Lunar Client partners that actively promote Lunar Client in their Minecraft related content. With over two million active users, being a Lunar Client partner comes with a variety of different perks, such as better brand recognition as well as numerous other exclusive perks pertaining to Lunar Client.
More specifically, Minecraft server partners receive a shiny star icon next to their Minecraft server on the Minecraft server list and are also featured in the Lunar Client Launcher, while media partners get a special gold Lunar Client logo in-game.

Additionally, both Minecraft server and media partners are able to have their own custom cosmetics featured on the Lunar Client store. Purchasing a partner’s cosmetics on the store directly supports the partner. Minecraft servers partnered with Lunar Client also gain access to an exclusive developer API which can noticeably enhance the experience of the Minecraft server for players.

Becoming a Lunar Client Partner
In order to become an official partner of Lunar Client, you must first apply for a partnership. You can apply for either a media or a Minecraft server partnership. Media partnership applicants must be content creators and have a significant influence on the Minecraft community while Minecraft server partnership applicants must represent a Minecraft server that is released, has a good reputation, and has a large player base consisting of Lunar Client users.
To begin your application, you must email partners@lunarclient.com. When composing your email, make sure to specify whether you are applying for a Minecraft server or media partnership. If you are applying for a media partnership, include your IGN (in-game username), reasoning as to why you would like to become a partner, and links to all of your social media accounts. Server partnership applicants should incorporate the Minecraft server’s name, IP address, region, gamemodes, average player count, website, and links to all socials in their application.

There are no specific requirements to becoming a Lunar Client partner, however it can be a good indication of whether your application may be accepted if your statistics are similar to those of current partners. Some examples of current Lunar Client partners include xNestorio, Hannahxxrose, TubNet, and InvadedLands. A full list of all of the Lunar Client partners can be found at https://www.lunarclient.com/partners.
After you’ve sent in your application, be patient! There is no approximate time as to when your application will be reviewed. Unfortunately, if your application is denied, you will not receive a response from us, however you are welcome to apply again for a partnership in the future. Good luck to all applicants and we look forward to hearing from you!
If you still have questions regarding the partnership application process, be sure to check out https://www.lunarclient.com/partnerships for further information or reach out to us at https://www.support.lunarclient.com.